Dr. Petris Rodica

Dr. Petris Rodica

Medic Primar, Doctor in Stiinte Medicale
2 recomandari
Competenta DXA osteodensitometrie, ecografie tiroida
Hyperclinica MedLife Grivita
Hyperclinica MedLife Grivita
44.464949 26.054473099999996 Calea Grivitei, Nr. 365, Bucuresti

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Despre Dr. Petris Rodica

Competente si specializari

Competenta DXA osteodensitometrie, ecografie tiroida

  • 2010 - present: Specialist in Endocrinology: Medlife Bucharest

  • 2013 - present: Endocrinology Specialist : National Institute of Endocrinology "CIParhon" Bucharest, February 2013-present.

  • 2006 - 2010 - resident doctor endocrinology National Institute of Endocrinology "CIParhon", Bucharest


European Society of Endocrinology (ESE)

Association of Clinical Endocrinologists in Romania (AECR)

Lucrari publicate
  1. Consequences of extreme temperatures in thyroid pathology: The V Congress of the Romanian Society of Endocrinology Clinic (AECR), Braila, 09.2010, oral presentation.

  2. Paraganglioame lateral neck - case presentation: Seventeenth National Congress of Endocrinology, Sinaia, 10.2009, poster.

  3. Parathyroid hormone therapy in severe osteoporosis therapeutic solution: Seventeenth National Congress of Endocrinology, Sinaia, 10.2009, poster.

  4. Features hormonal profile in polycystic ovary syndrome: the fourth Congress of the Romanian Society of Endocrinology Clinic (AECR), Constanta, 09.2009, oral communication.

  5. The effectiveness of oral ibandronate versus IV Ibandronate three months of therapy in postmenopausal women: The Fourth Congress of the Romanian Society of Endocrinology Clinic (AECR), Constanta, 09.2009, poster.

  6. Effects of risedronate therapy on retrospective Skeletal mineral density: XVI National Congress of Endocrinology, Timisoara, 10.2008, poster.

  7. Ibandronate tolerated and effective therapy in postmenopausal women: XIV Symposium of Endocrinology Clinic, Iasi, 05.2009, poster.

  8. Severe Paget's disease, generalized - case: The Fourth Congress of the Romanian Society of Endocrinology Clinic (AECR), Constanta, 09.2009, poster.

  9. Sd Mc Kuna Albright - case: The Third Congress of the Romanian Society of Endocrinology Clinic (AECR), Cluj, 09 2008 poster.

  10. Nodular goiter and papillary carcinoma associated with hyperthyroidism - a case: The Third Congress of the Romanian Society of Endocrinology Clinic (AECR), Cluj, 09.2008, poster.

  11. Thyroid metastasis of testicular seminoma: Seventeenth National Congress of Endocrinology, Sinaia, 10.2009, poster.

  12. Diagnosis, treatment and postoperative monitoring in thyroid carcinoma: The V Congress of the Romanian Society of Endocrinology Clinic (AECR), Braila, in September 2010, oral presentation.

  13. The evidence of TSH According to the temperature variation and geographic region in Patients with thyroid patology: European Congress of Endocrinology (ECE 2010), Prague 04.2010 poster.

  14. Cushing's syndrome and pregnancy - case, the Fifth Congress of Gynecology Endocrinology, Sinaia, June 2010, poster.

  15. Virilizing ovarian tumor - case, the Fifth Congress of Gynecology Endocrinology, Sinaia, June 2010, poster.

  16. Adrenal adenomas and secondary hypertension, the National Congress of Endocrinology with international participation, nineteenth edition, Bucharest, October 2011, poster.

  17. Autoimmunity in thyroid pathology, VI Congress of the Association of Clinical Endocrinologists in Romania, Arad, in September 2011, oral presentation.

  18. Tolerated and effective treatment with Evista - retrospective study XIII World Congress of Menopause, Rome, June 2011, poster.

  19. Aclasta treatment effects on bone mineral density - retrospective study of Osteoporosis and Osteoarthritis European Congress, Valencia, March 2011, poster.

Laparoscopic adrenalectomy for adrenal tumors 20 large The

15th International Congress of Endocrinology and 14th European

Congress of Endocrinology, Florence, March 2012, poster.

21 Efficiency ibandronate after 6 months of administration oral / iv women

with postmenopausal osteoporosis: AACE 21st Annual Scientific and

Clinical Congress, Philadelphia, 24-27 May 2012, poster.

22. Evolution of biochemical markers of bone resorption in treatment

Strontium ranelate: European congress on IOF_ECCEO_2012

osteoporosis and osteoarthritis, Bordeaux, 21 to 24 March 2012, poster.

23 Incidentalomul adrenal, evolution and prognosis : The VII Congress of

Association of Clinical Endocrinologists in Romania, Bucharest, 5-8

September 2012 oral presentation

Postoperative 24.Evolutia pheochromocytomas: The VII Congress of

Association of Clinical Endocrinologists in Romania, Bucharest, 5-8

September 2012 oral communication

25.Tumora malignant pancreatic tail-case presentation : RES The seventh

Congress of the Association of Clinical Endocrinologists in Romania,

Bucharest, 5-8 September 2012 poster

The bone metastases in 26 Patients diagnosed with phenotypic

Neuroendocrine tumors : 10 th Annual Conference for the Diagnosis

Disease and Treatment of Neuroendocrine tumor, 6-8 March 2013

Barcelona, ??Spain. poster

27.The bone pathology in Patients with neuroendocrine tumors :

Oncologist-hematologist + ro article.

Hypercalcemia of malignancy 28: a case report in a patient with

pancreatic neuroendocrine tumor : Oncologist-hematologist + ro article.

29 The Evolution Of Adrenal nonfunctional Incidentaloma : AACE 22 nd

Annual Scientific & Clinical Congress, 1-5 May 2013, Phoenix AZ


  • MEN 2A Syndrome: Case presentation: The 15 th European Congress of Endocrinology, 27 April-1 May, Copenhagen, Denmark. Poster

  • The role of inhibin alpha, Melan A and MNF 116 in differentiating adrenal adenomas : the Eighth Congress of the Association of Clinical Endocrinologists in Romania, Cluj-Napoca, 4-7Septembrie 2013: oral communication.

  • DXA evaluation in nonsecretor adrenal tumors : a transversal study in 378 women. ESCEO13-IOF, Rome, Italy, 17-20 April 2013, poster.

  • Features in the evolution of adrenal masses: Romanian Medical Journal, vol LIX, nr3, 2012, article.

  • Pheochromocytomas and their challenges: Romanian medical journal article, Volume LX, nr3, 2013.

  • Versus isolated pheochromocytoma pheochromocytoma in MEN 2A syndrome under: Article Modern Medicine, Vol XX, No. 2, 2013.

  • Particular aspects in autoimmune thyroid diseases: Article Medical Practice, Vol VIII, No 3 (31), 2013.

  • Osteoporosis in men a public health issue "Romanian medical journal article"

  • Inhibin ? subunit, Melan A and MNF 116 in pheocromocytomas " magazine article Romanian Journal of Morfology and Embryology

  • Immunohistochemistry with alpha Inhibin, Melan A and MNF 116 in adrenal tumors Acta journal article Endocrinologica

  • Pheocromocytoma malignancy: case presentation: SRE, Timisoara 2013 poster.

  • Incidentalomul adrenal: problems of diagnosis, case presentation: The VII Congress of the Association of Clinical Endocrinologists in Romania, Bucharest, 5-8 September 2012.

  • Effectiveness of treatment with bisphosphonates (alendronate, risedronate, Ibandronate-oral) in postmenopausal osteoporosis after 1 year of therapy: The VII Congress of the Association of Clinical Endocrinologists in Romania, Bucharest, 5-8 September 2012.

  • The Bone turn0ver markers and 25-OH Vitamin D: a study in 299 Patients, AACE 22 nd Annual Scientific & Clinical Congress, 1-5 May 2013, Phoenix AZ, poster.

  • Carcinoid tumor and DXA assessment: a study in 222 menopausal women, ECTS 2013, 18-21 May, Lisbon, Portugal, poster.

Vezi mai mult

Afectiuni tratate Endocrinologie

acneea vulgara
anomalii menstruale
apetit crescut
apetit redus
boala hashimoto
caderea excesiva a parului
cancer tiroidian
ciclu neregulat
crestere in greutate
crestere intarziata
cresterea exagerata a sanilor la barbati
cresterea pilozitatii corporale
fata de dimensiuni mici, cu aspect de papusa
glanda tiroida hiperactiva
gusa glandei tiroide
inaltime redusa
ingrosarea cefei
ingrosarea vocii
limba umflata
modificari ale greutatii
modificari menstruale
nod in gat
pierderea parului
pilozitate axilo pubiana redusa-hirsutism
pubertate prematura
sindromul Cushing
subtierea si fragilizarea oaselor
transpiratia excesiva
transpiratie rece
tulburari de crestere
voce pitigaiata
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